Science Communication & Multimedia

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„… audiences may already understand what scientists know but, for diverse reasons, do not agree or act consistently with that science. People rarely make decisions based only on scientific information: they typically also take into account their own goals and needs, knowledge and skills, and values and beliefs.“

Illingworth et al. (2018)

TEDx Haslach Countdown

Der Bodenverbrauch – eine schleichende Katastrophe, 25.11.2022.

Future Lectures Klagenfurt

A fantastic team has found together! In fall 2019, Lena Jerabek, Jacqueline Müller, Stefanie Preiml, Lilia Schmalzl, Moremi Zeil, Kirsten von Elverfeldt and Caroline Weberhofer have organised the event „Communicating Change – Changing Communication“ in Klagenfurt.

The iniatitive was triggered by a twofold observation: on the one hand the impressive mobilisation of young (and also older and old) people by the Fridays-for-Future-movement, and on the other hand a scientific community, which communicates its knowledge not even half as succesfully using their traditional communication paths and manners. However, both -F4F and scientists – share the experience that politicians tend to talk the talk but not to walk the walk of change.

During the evening event of the Future Lecture Klagenfurt we have worked together on the question what we ourselves can do regardless of the political inaction and reluctance. We have designed a ab evebt with young experts – activists, bloggers, pupils, scientists, artists, and students – to explore new communication pathways.


In some of my seminars, I asked students to create online content instead of producing yet another seminar thesis for to vanish in yet another drawer. And sometimes the students produce videos, e.g. of excursions. Here are the results… to be updated soon.

Students‘ video of the Caucasus excursion 2017


I try to engage in several (small) outreach activities. Every six weeks or so I am writing for the column „Klima-Klartext“ in Carinthia’s regional newspaper „Kleine Zeitung„, I am responsible for the department’s facebook page, I am tweeting on geographical (and other) stuff, I am young science ambassador, and I am mentor and coach of the Austrian national team at IESO. Furthermore, I have founded the Scientists for Future-regional group Carinthia. And here you’ll also find some links to and information on newspaper articles, panel discussions, and radio- and TV- interviews.

Newspaper articles

Mayr, Julian (2023): Schnee wird knapp: Kärntens Wintertourismus in Gefahr. Kleine Zeitung, 23.02.2023.

Traxler, Tanja (2023): Warum künftig mehr Hangrutschungen zu befürchten sind. DerStandard, 08.08.2023.

Press conferences

Online-Press conference: Hat der Kärntner Wintertourismus in der Klimakrise eine Zukunft? Pressekonferenz KlimaNEUtral Kärnten, 23.02.2023.

Online-press conference on soil consumption in Austria. With Andreas Baumgarten, Kirsten von Elverfeldt & Arthur Kanonier (moderation by Sofia Palzer-Khomenko), 24.03.22.

Radio & TV interviews

Bodenverbrauch – Tyrannei der kleinen Entscheidungen. Verbaute Zukunft. Radio Agora: Plattform Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten/Koroska, 09.06.2023.

Versiegelung: Kärnten wird zubetoniert. ORF-Kärnten, 25.05.2023.

Wann geht die Welt unter? 42 – die Antwort auf fast alles, arte, 03.04.23.


Thema Bodenverbrauch. Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten – Wissens-Kunstdialog, 16.04.2023.

Panel discussions

Podiumsdiskussion zu: „Arbeit und Gerechtigkeit? Zur Ausbeutung migrantischer & geflüchteter Arbeitnehmer*innen in Großkonzernen“.
Mit: Kirsten von Elverfeldt, Judith Kohlenberger, Hans-Peter Premur, Maximilian Turrini, 13.05.22, Klagenfurt.

And, every now and then, there are some…

Videos of my talks on YouTube

Workshop DigiAge: Kirsten von Elverfeldt & Heike Egner (2017) – Herausforderung Zeit
Kirsten von Elverfeldt, Philipp Aufenvenne (2015) – „The truth inside. Verortung der Wahrheit in der Geographie“